A Film and Research Project

Mapping Anthroposophically-Inspired Youth-Led Initiatives, Worldwide.

We Are Becoming is a documentary film and research project centering the stories of youth-led initiatives around the world which are born out of the Spirit of Anthroposophy.

We will map a global community of young people working out of Anthroposophical impulses today.

We will produce a series of videos released online throughout production, documentary portraits and interviews with participants, and a feature-length film to be released in 2025.

We will research and tell the stories of a unique group of projects that are forging new pathways for community, ecology, economy, governance and the arts in our modern world and the young people behind these projects. Through this research we will develop and document the throughlines we see in these communities, initiatives, and individuals.

From Germany to Georgia, the USA to Argentina, Sweden to Australia, this project circles the globe to tell stories of young people Becoming - and helping their communities to become, in the process.